عنوانبندی محصولات تخصصی شبکه فردا

BPMS based products

High adaptability, speed and proper performance of Netrise BPMS will enable the construction and design of any system requirements in organizations.

سیستم پشتیبانی آنلاین

Nowadays online support system has become one of the necessities of businesses. This system with Satisfying customer needs in the shortest time and online increases the satisfaction of customers and business partners.

Some features of this system are as follows:
  • Sending a request by the user privately
  • Tracking and viewing responses to customer requests in a special folder
  • Possibility to attach and attach files in requests
  • Send reply via email and SMS
  • possibility of allocating ticket to the relevant official by the administrator manually and automatically
  • Possibility of defining different projects and related departments for Segregation of requests
  • Possibility to limit user requests and block reporting and archive requests
  • Determining the duration of support according to the support contract
The process of responding to support requests support process
online support system support process
Graphic report of sent support requests by request month Send tickets by month
Graphic report of sent support requests by request type Tickets by ticket type