عنوانبندی محصولات تخصصی شبکه فردا

BPMS based products

High adaptability, speed and proper performance of Netrise BPMS will enable the construction and design of any system requirements in organizations.

صفحه سامانه پیشنهادات و انتقادات

This system has all the necessary steps in organizations for the system Suggestions and criticisms will cover
Some features of this system are as follows:

  • Possibility to register suggestion/criticism of users
  • The possibility of separating suggestions and criticisms based on the organization and its departments
  • Allocation of suggestion/criticism to relevant units and people automatically
  • Information via email and SMS
  • Allocation of tasks automatically to relevant departments and people
Suggestions and criticisms registration form
The form for registering suggestions and criticisms
Management of criticisms and suggestions registered in the system
Management of criticisms and suggestions registered in the system