عنوانبندی محصولات تخصصی شبکه فردا

BPMS based products

High adaptability, speed and proper performance of Netrise BPMS will enable the construction and design of any system requirements in organizations.

صفحه سامانه ثبت نام در کنفرانس و کارگاه روی سایت

This system is able to perform all necessary operations in the process Registration in the conference and workshop is.
Some of the features of this system are as follows:

  • Formation electronic file For its participants
  • Online registration by participants
  • Possibility to determine Time range To Register
  • Ability to pay online
  • Possibility of receiving conference and workshop entry card online
  • The possibility of defining different educational courses (fields of study) for registration
  • Ability to set different restrictions such as age in choosing different courses
  • Ability to get Reports Textual, graphical and summary of registration status
  • Ability to get Reports Payments, transactions and their status
  • Ability to get Excel output From the reports
  • notification via email and SMS
Conference and workshop registration system

Conference and workshop registration system

Reports Payments, transactions and their status

Reports on payments, transactions and their status