ویژگی های BPMS شبکه فردا- عناوین

Features of Netrise BPMS

The use of scientific methods and updates in the field of software engineering and specialized personnel in order to produce BPMS of Netrise, has made this product one of the best software in this field.

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Tomorrow Network Products

System process management business
  process modeling , process management , service-oriented , Form Builder , Gzarshsaz or system Report Engine , System Rule Engine , licensing system (available) , Search , Management Member , interactive tools , backup , personalization , production and Page management , security , technical architecture , guidance and training , etc. (Read more)

Document management system The
increasing growth in the volume of information with more than 85% unstructured information, the complexity created by the diverse sources of information and the nature of information create challenges in efficient information management. In order to gain insight from existing information, organizations need a comprehensive approach to manage the presentation, access, maintenance, analysis, and integration of information between different sources. Organizational content management is a solution that defines the processes for creating, managing, transferring and archiving information, etc. (Read more)

Organizational Portal
In the last two decades, the category of "portal" is one of the topics that has been widely discussed and considered by the IT sector in most organizations. In short, the portal is a web-based system that provides functions and features to identify and verify its users and to facilitate access to information and services that the user is interested in ... (Read more)

products Farda Network's specialized products, which include the following systems; Support System Online ( tickets ) , System Storage System licensing system, exam registration system feedback the system creates and collect databases systems, payroll systems, customer relationship CRM , system communications and office automation system Sign up hiring system, sub-system sales ,  system Marketing and customer affairs ... ( Read more )

Tomorrow Network Search EngineNetrise's Search Engine
Efficient search is the easiest way to find the information the user wants. Users usually find a simple search to be the best way to find the information they are looking for. Search is done between the pages of your site and other resources that you put on your website. Given that most of your information on the website is unstructured (in the sense that the information contains long text that forms the pages of your website and text files such as PDF, DOC, etc.) Search Correct and efficient will not be an easy task ... ( Read more )


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