مدیریت صفحات - عنوان

Manage pages and display forms

The possibility of creating unlimited pages, variety in the format of displaying menus, choosing the preferred format for pages has made Netrise BPMS user-friendly from the end users' point of view.

مديريت صفحات

ماژول تولید و مدیریت صفحات

  • Determining the presentation layer, specific for each page separately.
  • Specify the display format for each page
  • Determine the access level for viewing and editing the page
  • Definition of title , brief description and keywords for each page for search engine optimization
  • Ability to specify how pages are updated for search engine optimization
  • Ability to define a display layer, template, etc. specific to different display hardware (mobile, tablet, etc.) by resolution and operating system
  • Ability to add sub-pages
  • Ability to customize the display of portlets on each page



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